The Shewa Ber is a market place in Harar, in earlier times THE market in East Africa. At Shewa Ber not only goods and multiple colours mix, but also Muslims, Christians and more than further 50 ethnic groups, with their languages and their habits. The term Mechachal is used often in Harar. Its meaning is: Respect each other, accept with love - nessessary for complementary cultures as much as for every couple. Harar seems to be an admirable peaceful and respectful blend – a dream for other places of this world.
The book has irregular borders. Nine double pages are made of cloth, two tissues each, gelatinated and sewn to keep them in shape. Photographs by Clemens-Tobias Lange . Printed as intaglio «Chine-collé» and other images, printed with letterpress. Inserted between the colourful material are smaller-sized white soft pages with excerpts of the Bible and the Quran and prayers from different cultures.
the image pages are made each of two pieces of tissue, gelatinated and printed with intaglio «Chine-colle» and letterpress from cliche.
the textpages are white pages in minor size, printed with letterpress
coptic binding by Clemens-Tobia Lange
comes in a drop back box
Edizioni CTL. 84 pages, 18,8 x 35 cm.
Edition of 25 signed copies, and 7 e.a.
Date of completion: 2013
84 Seiten, 18,8 x 35 cm
Einband : Koptische Bindung mit Bambusdeckeln, gekleidet mit Stoffjacke Kassette von Julia Büttelmann.
Auflage 25 numerierte und signierte Exemplare und VII e.a. Exemplare
Hamburg 2011/2013
Preis auf Anfrage
Artikel der ZEIT ONLINE zum Thema des Künstlerbuches, Harar, Äthiopien, friedliches Zusammenleben, Januar 2012
Die Insel der Seligen am Horn von Afrika: